My longtime friends Pete and Cathy Safiran in Shipshewana, Indiana make colorful, fanciful signs using old license plates and the resulting signs are works of art. They will create custom signs like these two they made for me, "Stagestop 58" which is my ebay ID, and "Mike's Shop" which was a gift to my brother for his workroom, but most of their creations spring from their imaginations and are designed to appeal to a broad market. Before Mr. Obama was elected president they sold a lot of "Hope" and "Change" signs. And there are some cut into the shape of a state with individual plates designating the counties. They market these beauties in several ways: some are placed in retail outlets and art stores, others consigned to upscale shops in the Chicago area, and always for sale at Pete and Cathy's Flea Market booths in Shipshewana, IN and Kane County, IL. Just this month (October 5, 2010) one of their signs was featured in the Chicago Tribune in an article about Andersonville, IL.
They make great gifts and Christmas will be here soon so if you want to order one (or many) of these wonderful signs email Cathy Safiran.